Monday, November 02, 2009

Linux and BSD is Sucks !!!

After a long time I saw the different philosophy from different Linux Distro, yes it is... it sucks. I know that using Linux for all of the geeks is most enjoyable time and it looks great. But for me, I have another perception for that and the what I’m try to talking about in here is the way of linux “works” are sucks. I know that a lot of people will disagree on this, but let’s face it because it’s true.

Some Linux distro’s create a package like .EXE .MSI on Windows and DMG on the Mac. On Linux, using program or software must deal with the shared library that means we have to make the packaging, porting or what else to produce the installer. This is very different from the way Windows and Mac OS X works and we have to admit that this is the big reason why a lot of people can’t friendly on Linux or BSD. Linux is free and most of the program are open the source for user, it seems promising and doesn’t need cost too much, like Windows or Mac. But it still make a different philosophy for the Linux End Users where the installed program is depends on package manager from the different distro.

Friday, October 09, 2009

Yahoo and Plurk Emotes

Several time ago I got addicted on Plurk with IM ( via gtalk). But I think it is not complete when the Emotes appear as text only. Finally I decide to build plurk emotes on Adium IM (MacOS X), and shortly thereafter I also fix emotes Y!M for this IM software.

After they finished, it was not too difficult to convert it for Pidgin in Linux so package was finally completed and both are available and you can get it :
On Slackware 13 you can customize the configuration file if you have a multiple protocol and synced them. Emotes for Adium (Mac OS X) is my favorite because we can use it on Drupal as "smileys pack emoticons" when making a pages or blogs.

Sunday, March 15, 2009

First Time ...

Pertama kali mengenal slackware merupakan saat yang paling menyenangkan dalam hidup saya. Mengenal slackware bagi saya adalah pintu menuju pengenalan tentang jaringan, server dan internet.

Awalnya, linux saya anggap biasa-biasa saja (sebelum kenal) tapi setelah itu saya merasa lebih paham tentang konsep sistem operasi. Slackware sendiri adalah distro yang pertama kali diperkenalkan oleh seorang Slackers sejati [hingga kini... :) ] dan saya sangat berterima kasih kepada beliau. Awalnya saya cuma melihat-lihat apa yang ia lakukan di komputernya dan rasa penasaran pun timbul. Sekilas beliau menjelaskan tentang linux tapi tidak satu pun yang masuk di kepala.